Steve Holton
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:11:33 -0500
2002 CQ WPX RTTY Contest
Band QSO Pts Mult
80M 36 98 8
40M 134 528 77
20M 96 208 59
15M 123 277 49
10M 197 503 111
Total 586 1614 304
Claimed Score = 490656
FT100MP MkV 100watts
Two wires: Carolina Windom 80 @ 65' and Superloop 40 @ 70'
Writelog with MMTTY and DXP38 - dual receive
Operating time approx. 24 hours - though not completely full-time then
First time for me in this one - every other QSO a mult. !
Finally got dual receive working Friday morning - thanks to Don AA5AU for
very timely help. Seems that Writelog is quite happy to some things on COM
ports sharing IRQs, but very unhappy doing others - subject of a separate
posting for WL.
RTTY Contesting certainly getting more popular..... thought I'd get to 6
Meters before I stop seeing RTTY on 10M !! Well actually did see signals
above 28145.
For me some firsts/successes: Worked some EU stations on 80 meters Sat
night. Had modest run of JAs late Sunday afternoon. During about a 15
minute interval on 21M at dusk Saturday worked 5U8B, CN8KD, AH6OZ,
CE6/DM5TI, several JA's, oh and course Don AA5AU slipped in there as
well..... Thanks for being there! Had a terrific run on 40M for about 30
minutes during in the last hour - gave me a real work out including 20 6
pointers - lot's of folks trying to pile up those 6 point QSOs.
Only 2 Dupes. One was probably a 3/4 way cross-talk - not enough call signs
in the exchanges guys! The second is a tad more foreboding for the other
chap. Guy calls me on Sunday morning on 10M. Say back worked before at
13xxZ. He comes back worked on 15M. So I work him again. Go scroll back and
look at "transcript" in Rttyrite window. Clearly worked him, but I hadn't
been on 15M yet that day - only 10M . Sounds like someone changed band on
rig and not in logger - who knows how many QSOs are busted in that log??
Steve Holton N1NB