Jim Martin Jim Martin" <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net
Sun, 17 Feb 2002 01:10:24 -0000

                     CQ/RJ RTTY WPX Contest

Call: MM0BQI
Class: SO LP
QTH: Edinburgh, SCOTLAND
Operating Time (hrs): 12

Comments:  Soapbox : As with many others the best laid plans....  Too much
time spent
repairing storm damage, rescuing the family from a muddy field at Scout Camp
and a six hour visit to the emergency department of the local hospital.
Between times worked some great RTTY contacts and two all time new
Thanks to all for making it a great weekend.  Better planning for next time
will yeild more operating time I am sure !   N1MMLogger with MMTTY worked a

Band  Contacts     Mults     Score
      ----  --------     -----     -----
         7       105        88     40128
        14        62        38      5168
        21       112        65     16705
        28        54        39      5343
     Total       333       230    226780

      Rig : FT1000MP,  N1MMLogger,  MMTTY
      Antennas : 40m Dipole at 6m AGL  120 watts
      Club: GMDX Group


         *****      MM0BQI  HomePage at  www.qsl.net/mm0bqi       *****
Member of the GMDX Group - Scotlands DX Association - www.gmdx.org.uk

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