[RTTY] Down and out
Dick White
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 20:57:05 -0600
I have been anticipating the ARRL RTTY RU for several weeks as I really like
the contest. Murphy struck a hard blow Monday and I will not be able to be
in the contest. My Paragon blew something not fixable here and it was
shipped to Ten Tec Wednesday. No way to get it back before the contest. I
have never set up the back up rig for RTTY and so am out of luck. I think I
will make sure that I have all the cables to put the IC-735 in line for RTTY
in case this happens again. I hope everyone has a great time. See you in the
next one after I get the rig back.
73....Dick - KS0M
Richard C. "Dick" White ks0m@ktis.net
Fulton, MO. 65251-2215
Amateur Radio Station - KS0M (ex WB0WLX - KC0MY)
ARRL DXCC Honor Roll / CW - 5BDXCC #3295 / CW
Life Member, American Radio Relay League