Mike nasfred@1bigred.com
Sun, 06 Jan 2002 17:40:06 -0500

SCORING:  1336  QSO points x   114 multipliers = 152304  claimed score

Equipment: IC-746, 4CX1600B amp. (homemade) @ 1200 Watts
Antenna: TH7DX at 125 ft.; TH6DXX at 65 ft; S402 at 135 ft; 80 mtr.
inverted v at 120 ft.
Software: RITTY and Writelog

Thanks to all who were kind enough to work me.  Appreciate all the QSOs.
The bands were great although 80 meters was a noisey.  All the operators
were courteous and made the contest a lot of fun.

Got all 48 states with ND being the last (thanks K0UD). 

Tried to get as much of the contest out of the way early as a storm was
predicted for the East Coast on Sunday afternoon.  Fortunately, we only got

See a couple of things to improve - the biggest area for improvement is
between my ears.

Again, thanks for all the fun and FB QSOs.

	Mike, K4GMH