Dave W7DPW w7dpw@attbi.com
Sun, 6 Jan 2002 17:36:07 -0800

It was a fun contest once more. Lots of signals on the band.  I was looking
to work all states on 10 meters and this was a single band effort, but I
came up a few short (NV, MT, ND). I heard both MT and NV and called MT
(K7VK)  several times without success.  NV was S&P as I was at the time and
nerver got an opportuninty to call him (N7ON). Didn't hear ND but from other
notes on the reflector, Kevin, K�UD was active, not sure if he was on 10
meters or not. I thought it would be fun doing the W.A.S. in one contest on
one band even though I have 5B-WAS-RTTY already completed last year.

Missed four Canadian Provinces, NB, NF, NU, PE.  Don't think I even heard
them. I was S&P most of the time.

Summary Follows:


Call used: W7DPW
Location:  WA

Entry Class: Single Op, 10 Meters Only

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX
80         0           0       0         0
40         0           0       0         0
20         0           0       0         0
15         0           0       0         0
10       344      341    53       21
Total    344     341    53*     21*
* - Counted only once (not once per band)

Claimed Score: 25234

Software: RTTY by WF1B  v5.02

Power Output: 500

OMVI 6+ (FSK), Alpha 89 @500 Watts,
40 Meter Delta Loop Apex @ 60 feet