Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i@twistedoak.com
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 22:24:37 -0800

hi - first time this contest, I think I did OK:

band   QSO  St  Prov  DX
80m     10   1     0   0
40m     35   1     0   0
20m     77   3     1   5
15m    233  23     5  19
10m    200  19     5  13

total  555  47    11  37

555 Q x 95 mults = 52725 claimed

FT1000D, C3SS at 10m for 10/15/20, wire loop at 3-6m (around house) for 40/80
Writelog with MMTTY plugin (SO1R)

I had hoped for 400 Qs and 80 mults - was nice to beat that!

Got home from family holiday trip friday night. Shack in shambles, nothing 
ready, got on the air 48 minutes late....

Poor 40/80 antenna or I might have operated the full 24 hours - wait til 
next year!

In every contest that counts states, I always come up one short. This time 
the winner was ND. For provinces, I missed NWT, which is closer to working 
all provinces than I have managed in the past.

Big thrill was working all seven "real" continents (nice to work EM1HO). 
Also appreciated the YUK, NB, and NS stations finding me on my calling 

Biggest bummer is the "six hour rest in two blocks" - I'd really prefer a 30 
minute rule like some other tests - then I get to eat with the family. If anyone 
who matters is listening, please consider this a vote...

Looking forward to the WPX test next month!

73 - jeff wk6i