Dick White
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 20:54:27 -0600
I tried to use the WF1B command CABRILLO.EXE to make the required Cabrillo
log format. I go to the RTTY program files and put "CABRILLO.EXE " and the
" file path/name". All I get is the Cabrillo header and no log. What am I
doing wrong ??
I tried the WT4I Cabrillo Converter and it came our wrong. It copied the Dx
serial numbers but not the received state/province although I had designated
both as received exchange. I haven't been able to figure out how to correct
that yet.
Looks like I sent in my first check log for this one as I didn't discover
the problem until after my log was sent. Hope I can get the
BARTG SPRINT done correctly. I do send in my logs no matter how low/high the
score. Not to see my score published, but to show support for those who put
on the contest and to let my RTTY friends know I was there trying and to
help keep contesting active.
73....Dick - KS0M
Richard C. "Dick" White ks0m@ktis.net
Fulton, MO. 65251-2215
Amateur Radio Station - KS0M (ex WB0WLX - KC0MY)
ARRL DXCC Honor Roll / CW - 5BDXCC #3295 / CW
Life Member, American Radio Relay League