[RTTY] Re: RTTY activity from North America
Shelby Summerville
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:49:47 -0500
DJ3IW Goetz <k0869565@tiscalinet.de wrote: "I am well aware that many have
more important things to do then to operate their ham gear. However, my
question was influenced by the fact, that at the time I refer to, the SSB
part of 10 is FULL with NA stations - and quite a bit of activity in the CW
portion as well."
Goetz, I can't speak for others, but unless I am fishing, and its too cold
for that at this time, I don't have anything more important to do than "play
radio", as I'm retired! Having said that, many times I tune the bands and
spot DX stations calling, especially on RTTY. Please don't take any of the
following personal, because it certainly isn't meant that way. Just my own
reason for not answering most CQ's that I see on my screen! I am not
technically inclined, so a technical discussion is not an option. I don't
care to "ragchew" on the air, nor am I interested in what other stations are
using, and that seems to be most of the content of all RTTY QSO's, outside
of a contest, that I see? According to my log, we have worked 8 times, the
last being 7Feb99, so you must have not been very active in the RTTY
contest's since then? When I notice a station calling CQ on RTTY, and I have
never worked that station, I usually, if the station doesn't get another
answer, will answer that station and get my callsign in their log.
Obviously, I have an ulterior motive..hoping that in the next RTTY contest,
they will remember my call and give me a contest contact! On average, I
spend about 4-5 hours each day, unless it is warm enough to fish, and many
days will pass without making a single contact! Mainly, I'm looking for the
elusive 71 countries that I need, or the 33 that I have worked but don't
have confirmed! I'm not sure if this is an answer you were expecting, nor do
I have any idea if anyone else feels the same, but I just don't care to
spend my time idly chatting with someone that I may only have one thing, ham
radio, in common, and may well never meet! I'm really not a "grouchy ole
man"...well, maybe I am...but that's just "how it is"!
"deviating from the norm"
73, Shelby