[RTTY] CU on Low Band
Jeff Stai
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 16:08:40 -0800
hi Doug and Hisami - I do know that the QRP community will be quite happy if
you can refrain from operating right on or very near near 7040.
(Just one of those situations where you may not be able to hear the stations
you are interfering with - better to avoid it and make the world a slightly
happier place!-)
I'll be looking for you Hisami - 73 and good luck - jeff wk6i
At 03:52 PM 1/25/02, 7L4IOU wrote:
>Hi Doug,
>It is good news.
>I had misunderstanding.
>Although I heard many signals around 7090, but rare on 7040.
>I will calling CQ on 7030 especially on a pause for 30 minutes
>i.e. 10:00, 10:30
>73, Hisami 7L4IOU
>>Hi Hisami,
>>My experience is that we all move down to around 7.040 for DX QSO's on
>>40M. I'd suggest being there, rather then working split.
>>73, doug
>RTTY mailing list
jeff stai
email: jds@twistedoak.com
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