[RTTY] BARTG Sprint DF4OR SOAB LP Claimed Score

Ekki Plicht ekki@plicht.de
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 13:18:22 +0100

                 BARTG Sprint Contest

Callsign         : DF4OR
Loc./DXCC/Cont.  : HES / DL / EU
Category         : Single Op. / All Band
Mode             : RTTY
Club Competition :
Power            : LOW   100 Watt
Contest Date     : 22.01.2002
Default Exchange : 599
Operating Time   : 18:30 h
Software         : RCKRtty V2.13
Rig:             : IC-756Pro, 100W
Ant              : GAP Eagle vertical (20,15,10), Loop (80,40)
Modem            : SCS PTC-2

BAND  QSOs  Valid QSOs  Points  DXCC  Dist. Cont.
10     126      126       126    34    16     5
15     100      100       100    32     9     4
20     163      163       163    44     8     6
40      64       64        64    27     1     3
80      45       45        45    16     0     1
       498      498       498    55*   19*    6*

* = Counted only once (not once per band)

Final Score: 498 * (55 + 19) * 6 = 221112

Fun contest, amazing how fast 24hrs can pass. Condx were so-so, not much dx.
Nice opening to JA on Sunday morning.

2 new DXCCs: VR2 and V51; Malta on 5 bands (tnx 9H0A); lot's of familiar
calls; no hectic.

Some of the worst exchanges I have seen for a long time. Impossible for the
software to recognize anything, lot's of typing and typos...
No OC except ZL2BR (Tnx!).
No short skip on high bands, missed a lot of mults in Europe.

Thanks to the sponsors and all who worked me. CU in XE contest next week or
WPX in two weeks time.

Ekki, DF4OR