[RTTY] BARTG Sprint SOAB Claimed Score

Steve Holton sholton@optonline.net
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:20:32 -0500

First time for me in this one.
I caused previous weekend's snow in the Northeast by starting antenna 
project. Completed it during the week after snow was off the roof. Put up a 
Superloop 40 at about 75 feet pointed toward Europe. I expect it to be 
better on 40/20 to Europe than the Carolina Windom due to 
height/orientation. Didn't get good chance to compare it, as I missed about 
4 hours of prime early evening time due to domestic mandates...
Never heard anything west of Chile/California/BC.
Sleep won over around Midnight local time and thoughts of getting up early 
this AM remained that - just thoughts
Steve N1NB

N1NB  SOAB Low Power
	          QSO		  DX		Ca		Co
80		    7		     0		  0		 0		
40		  26		     1		  1		 0		
20		115	               12		22		 0		
15		  77	               14		  2		 2		
10		  93		    19		  2		 3		
Total		318	               46               17		 5	
Claimed Score:	     100,170	 = 318 x (46 +17) x 5  (Mults once, not once 
per band)
Operating time 13 hours
Low Power; 100 watts
FT1000 MP MkV, Carolina Windom 80, SuperLoop 40
Writelog + MMTTY, DXP38
Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club