AW: [RTTY] Thoughts on missing out the dash between serial No's
Siegfried Semba
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 21:47:41 +0100
I love this 24h tests and the activity was very good. But some of
using time without end.
me: cq bartg sprint dj3ng dj3ng
he: dj3ng dj3ng de xx0yy xx0yy xx0yy pse kkkkk
me: xx0yy 00X-00X
he: dj3ng dj3ng de xx0yy xx0yy ok ok ur rst 599 599 00:00 00:00 00X AAA
dj3ng dj3ng de xx0yy xx0yy qsl ?
me: qsl tu 73/gl de DJ3NG TEST
he: qsl qsl tu 73 de xx0yy
me: uuuuuuaaahhhhh(two meters over my chair)
The problem was sure not the dash between serial No�s. Show this
operators the way to rules site and to AA5AU�s Writelog-site.
-----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Phil Cooper
Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. Januar 2002 19:47
Betreff: [RTTY] Thoughts on missing out the dash between serial No's
Hi all,
As someone suggested on this reflector, I decided to remove the dashes
between the serial numbers sent for the BARTG Sprint, and I have to say,
had far fewer repeat requests!
I've always included the dash, under the illusion that it helped, but
was a good chance to leave it out, and see what happened.
I did have to repeat a few times, but in the main, this was due to QRM
the time, rather than garbled reception.
I did see that quite a few ops didn't heed the rules where it says the
exchange is SERIAL NUMBER ONLY, and some even went as far as sending
599-599-599-001, which I received from one station!
There was also one station who was calling CQ BARTG SPRING CONTEST, and
exchange included the time as well! I guess he needs a new calendar??
So, did anyone else 'ditch the dash', and did it help??
73 for now, and hope to see some of you in the XE test next weekend with
Writelog on the go!
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