[RTTY] Re: ARRL Contest Rate Sheet for July 17, 2002

Jay ws7i@ewarg.org
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:08:46 -0700


Can you see if there might be a way to correct this?  

At 04:10 AM 7/17/02 -0000, you wrote:
>Contester's Rate Sheet
>17 July 2002
>Edited by Ward Silver, N0AX

>North American RTTY QSO Party - sponsored by the National Contest
>Journal from 1800Z Jul 20 to 0600Z Jul 21.  Frequencies: 80--10
>meters.  Categories SOAB and M2, SO stations operate 10 hours max.
>with off times of at least 30 min.. Exchange: Name and SPC.  QSO
>Points: 1 pt/QSO.  Score is QSO Points x SPC (NA entities only)
>counted once per band.	DX QSOs count for QSO points, but not as
>multipliers.  For more information -- http://www.ncjweb.com.  Logs
>due 30 days after the contest to naqp@ewarg.org (same address for
>team registration) or Jay Townsend WS7I, PO Box 644, Spokane, WA

Should read rttynaqp@ncjweb.com for logs. Team registration is also wrong it 
is from the http://www.ncjweb.com/rttynaqpteamreg.php  

Not sure but I think QST had it wrong as well. But mine has gone missing.

Please forward to whoever originates the rate sheet