[RTTY] Fwd: P5/4L4FN - RTTY

wa9als wa9als@starband.net
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 17:06:31 -0500

> Awaiting official confirmation from the ARRL which will probably come
> in the form of DX Bulletin expected on 19 July.
> This is way cool!
> 73, Don AA5AU


It -IS- on the ARRL site - Look under Operating Activities, DXCC, Awards:

In part:
DXCC News Release
DX Century Club program · DXCC News Releases
      April 2, 2002  For Further Information Contact:
      Wayne Mills, N7NG


DXCC Accepting P5/4L4FN Contacts

Since early November 2001, Mr. Edisher (Ed) Giorgadze, 4L4FN, a Georgian
citizen employed by the United Nations World Food Program, has been active
as P5/4L4FN in Pyongyang, DPRK.

DXCC Rule 7 states "Any Amateur Radio operation should take place only with
the complete approval and understanding of appropriate administration
officials." The rule continues, "In any case, credit will be given for
contacts where adequate evidence of authorization by appropriate authorities
exists." The ARRL has now received adequate evidence that the operation by