WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 16:57:53 -0500

> Hi All;
>     I have been wondering what the ruling is when you are running two
> transmitters and 2 computers each station giving out its own number , the
> numbers then would
> not be consecutive in the log and possibilities that 2 stations could have
> same number on the same band  if worked once on stn 1 and once on
> stn 2  if at some time they each were run in the same band at different
> times.
>     If all that is required is each station have the same info for the
> there should be no problem RIGHT ???

Huh?  If you're talking about Single Op, then why would each station work
the same station on the same band?  That would be a DUPE.  Are the 2
stations using a networked contest logging program?

Are you talking about Multi-Two?

Other clarification?