Ekki Plicht ekki@plicht.de
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 09:29:58 +0000

Well, should I really post this?

Here goes...

Callsign         : DF4OR
Category         : Single Op. / All Band
Power            : LOW   100 Watt
Default Exchange : 599 Ekki
Operating Time   : 6:00 h
Software         : RCKRtty V2.15

Team : The Shaeferhunds

BAND  QSOs  Valid QSOs  Points  DXCC  QTH
10       0        0         0     0     0
15       0        0         0     0     0
20       6        4         4     0     4
40       3        3         3     0     3
80       0        0         0     0     0
         9        7         7     0     7

Final Score: 7 * (0 + 7) = 49 

Equipment: IC-756Pro, SCS PTC-II

Well, not my best score but maybe my worst in any RTTY contest so far, hi hi. 
Even before the flare really hit the signals were weak on 20m. A few SA stns 
on 15m, nil on 10m. 
After somebody turned the lights off, nil on all bands... and later again vy 
weak only. Heard a lot of stns from NA on 40m but could contact only 3 of 
them, probably too much noise on the RX side.

The only team member I heard was Joe, IT9BLB, all others were probably too 
close to hear.

I have to admit that I somewhen lost steam, after trying for a while... my 
last QSO was at 02:00z in the morning, then I was too tired to continue...

Thanks to all anyway, there is always next year... 

Ekki, DF4OR