[RTTY] Off the back of the beam
Frank Hunt
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 17:20:53 +1200
Gazooks! and get real guys.
"off the back of the others guys beam", "one-way propagation" !!!
Ya wanna try it from down this neck of the woods, where it's often a
case of, no propagation, at those times even one-way propagation
would mean at least I could try for a qso.
I reckon I'm nearly always off the back of everyone elses beam, just
check where ZL is on a great circle map from your QTH. Aiming
your beams at Europe, JA, W6, or W2, is way way way out for ZL.
And, distances! - W6/7 are the easiest areas to work from ZL, they
are just across the sea, (you know that one called the Pacific
Ocean) only 11,000km. Whereas it's 15,000km to W2 and
18,000km to Europe.
Now, as others have mentioned, Is the Russian RTTY contest on
or not? Well if it's off, how about this for an alternative - The ZL2BR
Contest, same dates/time. I will call CQ and everyone calls me. If
you work me on 4 bands I will send you a nice certificate, and if you
work me long path and short path on 20m or 15m, I will send you a
certificate with a picture of my cats on the reverse side.
Ham radio is a veeery serious hobby.
73 Frank ZL2BR