[contestru] Fw: [RTTY] Russian RTTY test this weekend?

Scot Herrick scot@k9jy.com
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 17:36:14 -0500

"The contests are rules are organized by colander date."

And I drain my brain with the colander that the contest are rules are
organized by......

How about: The contests rules are organized by calendar date.......

I now go back to my regularly scheduled programming...

CU...Scot, K9JY

See K9JY's WriteLog User Support Site at:

For all contests supported by WriteLog, including the Russian RTTY contest,
you can find them on my web site at http://www.k9jy.com and click on
'WriteLog Contests' on the lower left part of the navigation bar. The
contests are rules are organized by colander date. If you want to know
what's going on for August, you can see all the contests WriteLog supports