Shelby Summerville k4ww@arrl.net
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 06:45:26 -0400

"Don Hill AA5AU" <aa5au@bellsouth.net> wrote: "Interesting about not being
in AA4NC's log twice though!  What happened?
I lost 7 QSO's out of a total of 1515.  All 7 QSO's were NIL (not in log)."

SHNIAA4NCL (same here not in AA4NC log). Also, all my lost QSO's (5) were
NIL. I usually email those contacts requesting information about with whom
they had contact at the indicated DTBM (date/time/band/mode), simply to help
me in future contests! I has become an EIF (exercise in futility) as some,
if not all, either don't answer or take exception to the fact that I
question their logging process!
ITAPDH (I too am pretty darn happy) and look forward to 2003 RR!
If the logchecker(s) are listening and in case no one has mentioned it
lately: THANKS
C'Ya, Shelby