[RTTY] WAEDC RTTY Certificate Received

Jeff Stai jds@twistedoak.com
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 10:17:14 -0700

At 09:16 AM 7/26/2002, Don Hill AA5AU wrote:
>The secret to QTC traffic is to accept every one offered and to do
>some begging.  "Please, please, please accept my QTCs."  "You don't
>have to do anything with them, just tell me that your received them OK".
>This usually works, but if a station says "no" to QTCs, then don't force
>the issue.  Sure, you have to spend extra time convincing someone to
>accept your QTCs, but think about it, if you send 10 QTCs and it takes
>you 5 minutes to convince the receiving station to accept them and
>to send them, it 's the same as making 10 QSOs in the same period
>(5 minutes), that's a rate of 120 per minute!

hi Don - looking at the rules, the receiving station must log the QTC to get 

If the transmitter logs the QTC, and the receiver does not, wouldn't the log 
checking process disallow the transmitter's QTCs?

(Also, if anyone could please give explanation of how QTC logging (TX and 
RX) works in Writelog and other loggers, it could be really helpful for us 
"QTC-phobics" to get over it...;-)

thanks! - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai       Twisted Oak Winery LLC
Email           jds@twistedoak.com
Amateur Radio   WK6I
ROC Web Page    http://www.rocstock.org/