lu3hyjuan lu3hy@rccordoba.com.ar
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 22:37:20 -0300

Russian RTTY WW  =20

Call used: LT0H
Location:  Cba

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX
80         1             5       0     1
40        42        385       6    21
20       325      3195     25    49
15        91         865      6    26
10        17         160      3    11
Total    476     4610      40   108
Claimed Score: 682280

Software: RTTY by WF1B  v5.02=20

Power Output: 800 W
The band of 10M was dead ; and Mr. Murphy visit one another a while =
during the IARU contest but was the whole time during the Russian test, =
and didn't my antenna receive well in 15m (Hi Hi HI)
Thank you and a thousand excuses all the qso=B4s test of 15M therefore  =
?? AGN AGN; but the station should arrive with more than S5  so that I =
could listen to them S1... =20
Tnx to all, we will see each other in next contest (me alone without =
Murphy hi hi hi)  =20
73 of Juan LT0H (op LU3HY)

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