Shelby Summerville
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 06:47:52 -0400
"Don Hill AA5AU" <aa5au@bellsouth.net> wrote: "Time to be thinking about
teams. I hear Big Mean Dogs growling in the background."
To which, I would like to propose a "gentleman's" agreement that each team
include at least one "non NA" member? Certainly all "non NA" teams would be
accepted? NAQP was created especially for NA stations to replace the old
ARRL CD parties, but "non NA" stations are certainly welcome! I'm proud to
say that NAQP RTTY is the only one of the three (CW/SSB/RTTY) that has an
award program for "non NA" stations! A visit to
"Awards: Plaques will be awarded for the high score in each of the
categories given below, provided there are a minimum of five entries in the
Hopefully, this will increase the activity in both NA and non NA, M/2
entries? Comments are welcomed!
C'Ya, Shelby