[RTTY] KD8FS ANARTS 2002 Results
Al Chudek
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 02:59:18 +0100
ANARTS WW RTTY Contest 2002
Callsign: KD8FS
Operator: KD8FS
Class: "A" - Single Operator, One Transmitter, One Receiver
QTH: Michigan - Zone 05
ON Time: Approx 10 1/2 Hours
Band QSO's PTs MULTs =20
80: 0 0 0 =20
40: 0 0 0
20: 114 1699 43
15: 123 2583 43
10: 3 6 2
Totals: 240 4288 88 Continents =3D 6 Total Score =
=3D 2,264,664
It was nice to be back on and hear many old friends, and lots of new =
calls also. The bands were in rare form here in Michigan with some =
excellent conditions at unexpected times. I wish that I could have =
played longer in this one now that I have the antenna's raised another =
20 ft. Now to get them "fine tuned" before NAQP ! See you there.
Al Chudek, KD8FS=20
314 Ely Street
Allegan, MI 49010
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