[RTTY] RTTY Background Music

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au@bellsouth.net
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 09:48:29 -0500

Had a lot of great suggestions for my RTTY pages.  Last night
I recorded a 15 second RTTY file.  Thanks to John, WA9ALS,
for his suggestion of downloading GoldWave to edit WAV files.
It was very easy to use and I was able to edit the file quickly.

I uploaded it to the site last night and put it as background music
on my RTTY page just to see if it would work and it did!  I put
it in loop so it plays continuously.

I also put a link on "Getting Started on RTTY Page 4" to play
the file once.

Thanks to Joe, K0BX, for finding an error with the transistor
interface for PTT.  PTT comes off pin 7 and not pin 8 of
the DB 9 connector.  I made corrections to the diagram.

Ron, ND5S, built the interface and put it in a neat package and
sent me a picture of it.  I put the picture on the interface page
along with a template he used to label the RCA jacks for FSK,
PTT and CW.  Looks much better than the one I built! hi  Thanks
to Ron.

Again, thanks for all the suggestions.  Enjoy the pages.  Comments
on the RTTY background music appreciated.  I'm willing to bet
most of you can figure out what it's sending right away.


73, Don AA5AU