[RTTY] OPDX Report - Ducie Island
Bill Hellman
Bill Hellman" <vze27322@verizon.net
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 17:00:08 -0000
VP6/D, DUCIE ISLAND. A press release sent out early last week states the
plans for the Ducie Island DXpedition are now complete, and the group is
in the final countdown phase. The team expects to depart from Mangareva,
French Polynesia on March 12th. The team consists of VP6TC, VP6DB, VP6AZ,
VP6MW, VP6BK/JA1BK, JF1IST, K9AJ, K5VT and N9TK. Mac, JA3USA, has had to
leave the team because of unforeseen business conflicts, and Jim, N9TK, has
replaced him. They will head to Pitcairn first to pick up supplies and
equipment left there from their first attempt and then head on to Ducie
Island. Their operations are expected to be for one week. The VP6 callsign
is expected to be announced at the beginning of the activity. As announced
earlier, their main activity will be on 21020 kHz (CW) and 21295 kHz
(SSB) 24 hours each day until the demand falls. This is to allow more
individuals to find and work the group, depending upon propagation to
their area. Vince/K5VT and Mike/K9AJ will primarily operate the CW station
while Jin/JF1IST and Jim/N9TK will be the primary SSB operators. Other
prime SSB frequencies are 28495 kHz, and 14195 kHz, with 14020 kHz being
the other prime CW frequency other than 15 meters. It is planned that there
will be some operations on all bands, 160-6 meters, and RTTY in addition
to SSB and CW operations. It is expected that low band and WARC operations
are more likely to take place in the last days of the operation, as
concentration from the beginning will be to allow as many operators as
possible to work this rare IOTA and new DXCC Entity. The team will be
chartering the ship "BRAVEHEART". The charter will cost them 68,000 USD,
and support would be appreciated. Donations may go to the group's treasurer,
JA1BK: Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-city, Tokyo 206 JAPAN.
QSL Manager is VE3HO for all bands except 6 meters. 6 Meter cards go to
JA1BK. Pilot stations will be WA2MOE and JE2EHP. For up-to-date info on
this DXpedition and for log searches, go to the Web site at: