[RTTY] XR0X on-line log

Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i@twistedoak.com
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 10:52:14 -0800

At 10:26 AM 3/22/2002, Jim Reisert wrote:
>Even later than that (all of my "important" QSOs are in there except for the
>one I made this morning):
>"This log contains 23,143 QSOs from 16-Mar-2002 1900Z through 20-Mar-2002
>73 - Jim AD1C

ARRRGGGHHH - I wonder if I have been burned by the logging software gods!

None of my 20-Mar contacts are in the log - yet if I check for another well 
known call one letter off from mine, they are there in the same combination 
of modes and bands.

Might be a coincidence, I guess - but time to work them all again...

73 - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai       Twisted Oak Winery LLC
Email           jds@twistedoak.com
Amateur Radio   WK6I
ROC Web Page    http://www.rocstock.org/