Don Hill AA5AU aa5au@bellsouth.net
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 09:11:12 -0600

Around 1400Z or so, Mike W5ZPA called KAN who was operating
14195 SSB and told him he'd been up all night waiting on RTTY and
asked for a RTTY contact.  Kan replied "080" and disappeared off
SSB.  Mike went to 14080 and called them.  A station came back
signing VP6DI.  Mike didn't see them at first, but some of us did.

He finally came back the station signing VP6DI and gave them a report
and asked them to call him by his name (Kan knows Mike well).  The
station signing VP6DI came back and gave Mike a report.

During this exchange I was switching between my north antenna and
my south antenna and the signal was definitely better, actually good,
copy on the south antenna.

The station signing VP6DI did not acknowledge Mike's name.  Mike
then came back and tried to pass the QSO to Randy, WX5L.  WX5L
keyed and gave the station a report.  When he let off, the station signing
VP6DI came back and said "QSL QSL DE VP6DI QRT QRT QRT"
and that was the end of it.

Mike doesn't feel it was really them and won't know 'til he can get
them on SSB to confirm it.

It was a long night.  Many of us didn't get much sleep.  After saying they
would alternate between CW and RTTY on 20 meters, they operated CW
until 0900Z, then went straight to SSB.  The operated SSB all the way
up until Mike asked Kan for the RTTY contact.

End of story.
73, Don AA5AU

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shelby Summerville" <k4ww@arrl.net>
To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 8:53 AM
Subject: [RTTY] VP6DI RTTY

> Anyone beside me see "TEST DE VP6DI VP6DI" on 14.080 at
> 1100Z +/- a few minutes? I saw an unprintable JA? and what I think was an OH
> calling? Just curious?
> C'Ya, Shelby
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