[RTTY] Dayton RTTY Forum set.....

Tom Moore wx4tm@mindspring.com
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 17:57:56 -0600

I wonder if anyone might dare explain why 99.99 percent of us rtty
contestors currently running a single radio, maybe an amp and a
tri-band antenna don't have a chance in blue haties of ever winning 
an RTTY contest in the SOAB category... because now, in order to 
compete, we ALL must move up to two or more radios and another set 
of antennas!! 

And just why contest sponsors not only refuse to distinguish between 
SO1R and SO2+R but also to completely ignore the issue - when at 
Dayton 2000, a vote to have separate contest categories was 
overwhelmingly approved.. yet totally ignored by all contest sponsors..

and why at dayton 2001, it was forbidden to speak of the SO2R issue 
at the RTTY forum!!!

Apparently  1) an unknown selected group of contest sponsors and/or
operators have an agenda to insure that a selected group of operators 
will 'always' win! or 2) that contest sponsors just don't care! 
Either way, the SOAB SO1R competitor hasn't got a prayer. 
I predict that unless contest sponsors take note soon, that serious
contestors will diminish in number and  that the majority of 
participants will be casual in number with only minimally obtained
scores and with fewer and fewer logs submitted.. but the same few will 
always win!!  Some contest - hurray for you and them!

While I highly admire individual operators for developing the skills
and equipment to reach new heights of proficiency in rtty contesting,
I must, in protest, refuse to attend any forum that in essence lends
credibility and/or support to the idea that SO2+R is acceptable
competition for majority of RTTY contestors running SO1R!! I will not

Tom Moore WX4TM

Frank J Fallon wrote:
> For those of you who love that "FRILL" mode and will be attending Dayton
> this year please plan to be in room #2 on Saturday morning from 9:30 to
> 10:30 on May 18, 2002 for the RTTY Forum.  Here is what I hope they will
> print in the Hamvention booklet.
> 73 de Frank.....N2FF............
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Dayton 2002 RTTY Forum -
> The topic this year is "The Secrets of SO2R for RTTY: the hardware,
> software and operator skills required."
> Frank Fallon, N2FF, ARRL Hudson Division Director, who has been in RTTY
> contests since 1965 will be the moderator.
> The panel consists of:
> Ron Hill, AA5AU, recognized master of the multi radio art leads off,
> telling us
> how he does it.
> Tyler Stewart, K3MM, will tell us how he turns in the big SO2R score
> using
> WF1B's program.
> Gerry Jankowitz, NO2T, will tell us how he manages with high power using
> stubs and filters.
> John Fleming, WA9ALS, a confessed neophyte, will explain the problems
> newcomers' face.
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