[RTTY] Proper Operating Proceedures for Parody Isle

k5ic@yahoo.com k5ic@yahoo.com
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 13:27:19 -0700

1 .I suggest that we first set up a test expedition to Parody Island. We 
work only a very select few. Wait about 6 months until the Honor Roll 
standings come out and have the hotshots complain about how unfair the 
expedtion was when they are dropped off the number one position on the 
Honor Roll.
2.  When the full expedition takes place give accurate RST reports (I.E. 
43 , 21, 49, not 59) and require the report to be acknowledged. By the 
way, only one guess at the report! Combined with a transmitter power of 
1mw SSB into a wet noodle, see how many SSB QSOs are confirmed.

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