Bob Stewart rstewart@paradise.net.nz
Sun, 5 May 2002 04:15:52 -0000

Hi All

Propagation was not good but I had a good time and was pleased to work two
new ones for me. Thanks to AP2IA   and TA1DX for new RTTY countries.

I am engaged on XYL directed chores this weekend so have missed the ARI, but
I will be on for the VOLTA.

Thanks to VOLTA for a nice certificate, 8th place SOAB for 2001.

2002 + SPDX RTTY Contest

Sponsored by the Polish Radiovideography Club

CALL: ZL2AMI       New Zealand    Country

A. Single OP., All Band

           QSOs     Points     DX:     Provinces
80m:          0               0       0         0
40m:         11         105       8         4
20m        264       2620     43      15
15m:       106       1050     29      10
10m:         42         415     15         7
Total:      423       4190     95      36

Continents:  5 (AS EU OC SA NA )
Total multipliers: 131
Score:  2,744,450

Bob Stewart ZL2AMI