Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Tue, 7 May 2002 18:47:43 +0100
Hi all,
Well, many thanks for the confirmation that it is direct to the Monastery.
That is the first time I have EVER heard Monk Apollo on ANY mode!
I had just gone into the shack to see if K1B was about on RTTY, or even
audible on CW, and I just happened to see a spot from Glenn VA3DX (many
thanks Glenn!!).
There was SV2ASP/A, good and strong, and I called a couple of times, but
then he said QRX EU, NA only, so I went back to sorting a batch of QSL cards
just in from the bureau, and to make a coffee.
Went back after a few minutes, and all was quiet :-(
Then he came back, and was calling an IK8 station, who hadn't heard him, so
I slipped my call in quickly (as you do!), and there it was - GU0SUP 599 599
599 DE SV2ASP/A, so a quick reply got him in the log.
Now, if only I could HEAR the K1B!
I guess my poor little G5RV just ain't man enough this time, and with
conditions the way they are, I guess I can only be so lucky.
However, I shan't complain, I have worked 20 new countries this year, and
that is pleasing. I have also just applied for WAS and WAC on RTTY too.
Very best 73 to all, and thanks again for the info.