[RTTY] NIL question

Bill Turner w7ti@dslextreme.com
Tue, 07 May 2002 14:59:30 -0700

On Tue, 07 May 2002 14:31:41 -0700, Kok Chen wrote:

>If the other station logged me as AA6TY instead of
>AA6TY/7, who gets dinged for it?


I can't answer your question directly, but the best procedure is to
never allow him to log it wrong.  Since I have a 7 call and live in 6
land, this happens to me all the time.

When a station comes back to me with W7TI (no /6), I simply call him
again as if I hadn't heard him or hadn't received his exchange.  And
again and again and again if necessary.  I NEVER send my exchange or QSL
TU until he gets it right.  Invariably, he will figure it out before
very many repeats. 

Never, ever send your exchange and THEN try to straighten out your call.
He will have logged it and be gone while you're still vainly calling

Clumsy, but works for me.  :-)

73, Bill W7TI