[RTTY] UBN analysis

Barry w2up@mindspring.com
Thu, 9 May 2002 18:13:23 -0000

I received my UBN file from Sir Eddie, and, as always, found it 
interesting. I improved in several areas (no zone errors and just a 
handful of tyops). 
One area I always find somewhat mystifying is the "not in log" QSOs. 
Out of 1800 QSOs, I had 19 N-I-Ls. O compared my UBN report with 
AA5AUs. Don also had about 1800 QSOs, and had 17 N-I-Ls - very 
similar. Interestingly, we had 2 N-I-Ls in common:
LW9EOC and OA4EI were removed from both our logs for not being in 
their logs. Our LW9EOC QSOs were on the same frequency, 30 
minutes apart. Our OA4EI QSOs were on the same band, 5 hours apart.
I wonder if there's a pattern here. Did anyone else have those calls 
removed for not being in the log? Could be coincidence but, I wonder 
what goes on with them...
Barry W2UP--
Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club