[RTTY] My thoughts on the UBN's
Shelby Summerville
Thu, 9 May 2002 20:11:04 -0400
Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net> wrote: "Anyone have any sway with the
powers-that-be at CQ??"
Not me. But it sure would make for an "interesting" discussion at Dayton?
Not too sure it could be accomplished in the one (1) hour time frame so
"graciously" allotted by the Hamvention! It also seems obvious to me that
the rule interpretation(s) need to be "fine tuned", and EVERYONE be made
available "what will and what will not" be acceptable! I agree that there
should be no blame assigned to the log checker, as he is only doing as he is
instructed! I'm not going to "fuss", because I maintained my 1K+ of
contacts, even after the log checking!
First time for me as SO with 1K+...so yep I'm happy!
C'Ya, Shelby