Shelby Summerville k4ww@arrl.net
Sun, 12 May 2002 11:28:02 -0400

These difficult propagation contest(s) are getting "more and more work and
less and less fun"! The activity seems to be getting lower, also? Do we have
too many RTTY contests? Heard 3 stations on 10 meters, worked 2 of them.
Heard 1 station on 40 meters, worked him. The stations that are normally
solid print, were far from that! When I have to define a run as "completing
the contact without asking for a fill", I know it hasn't been a fun contest!
I spent about 5 minutes trying to convince IZ3BJK that a serial number was
part of the required exchange, with no success. I still don't understand,
especially under less than optimal band conditions, why stations calling me
insist on sending my call more times than they send their own? Oh well, I
did get some sleep, and I'm looking forward to meeting some that have
appeared, many times, on my screen at Dayton. Thanks to VOLTA for
sponsoring, and to all for the contacts. Without y'all it would REALLY be
C'Ya, Shelby

Call: K4WW
Operator(s): K4WW
Station: K4WW

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 7

 Band  QSOs  Pts   Mults
   80:    0     0     0
   40:    1     3     1
   20:   98  1577    36
   15:  100  1915    32
   10:    2    68     2
Total:  201  3563    71  Total Score = 50,847,573

Club: Kentucky Contest Group