[RTTY] RE Volta Log Address

K3fh238@aol.com K3fh238@aol.com
Mon, 13 May 2002 23:56:39 EDT

According to my info from the contest rules:

SEND YOUR LOGS TO: I2DMI - Francesco DI MICHELE -  P.O.Box 55 - =AD22063 CAN=
  or via e-mail to i2dmi@contesting.com (please attach only .zip, .doc or=20
.txt  files:  example: i2dmiSUM.txt, i2dmi10.txt, i2dmilog.txt   not  =20
i2dmi.sum, i2dmi.10, i2dmi.log)=20

If you have any question send a message to  i2dmi@contesting.com=20

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