[RTTY] Dayton photos
WA9ALS - John
Sun, 19 May 2002 21:24:08 -0500
I've hastily thrown a page together with thumbnails that are linked to
larger photos: http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/Dayton_2002/Dayton_thumbnails.html
These are large photos, and I didn't take the time to downsize them. Sorry,
but after the weekend, I'M TIRED! I'm sure the New RTTY Journal will have
lots of great photos soon.
Great crowd at forum and dinner! Lots of people attended the dinner that
had never attended before, and 4 or 5 parent-offspring combos! Great talk
and photos by Doug!
There's a country song that goes "I don't have to be me til Monday". I like
to turn that around and say
"I -get- to be me til Monday!" (And Monday's coming reeeal soon!)
Thanks for the fun! 73 - John