[RTTY] Complaints against Contest Management
Mon, 27 May 2002 10:37:21 -0400
I think this whole debate has gotten a bit out of control.
Typically, the sponsor will publish results in their publication first.
After that all contest results, including those that they couldnt find space
for in the magazine, are released to the general public via other means,
including the internet, free of charge.
If this is not the intention of CQ and/or RJ, then they need to rethink
their position and whether or not they really want to be involved in the
contest and RTTY. Not freely releasing results after publication would be
petty and, as they should be able to tell by the recent thread, an overall
detriment to their subscriber base.
The things I would like to see happen are CQ getting more involved in
"their" contest. I would like to see the RTTY mode of CQWW become an
accepted part of the larger CQWW phone and CW segments of the contest,
including a representation on their web site. I would like the CQ Contest
Comittee, the most comprehensive and dedicated group of contest organizers
and log checkers in the world, to take an active part in the CQWW RTTY
There should be no problem getting sponsors for plaques in the major RTTY
contests, yet they still exist. A few emails to the RTTY reflector would
probably yield all the required private plaque sponsors they could handle.
Lastly, I will encourage all to support their segment of the hobby by
subscribing to the sponsor's publications. They are probably available
worldwide and without their support of these major contests, they probably
wouldnt be majors anymore. In addition , the more RTTY contesters that
subscribe to them, the bigger the voice we should have in magazine content.
You can look at it as paying your dues to RTTY if you like.
Everybody is allowed to complain all they want in the free world, but unless
you are actively contributing to the hobby in some form or another, you
really dont have a right to complain about anything. Remember you are
riding on the backs of other, unpaid volunteers (this is AMATEUR radio, for
the most part). They at least deserve your respect, polite treatment, and
the benefit of doubt. If you dont like the way something is done or isnt
being done, volunteer to do it better! Sponsor a plaque! DO something!
73, Ty K3MM/P40MM/?