[RTTY] HH4/K4QD Summary
Jan Heise
Tue, 28 May 2002 20:35:09 -0400
My trip to the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission was very successful. Our
mission team of 21 people accomplished many things. I was able to operate
ham radio when not involved with other mission team projects. I made 3486
phone and RTTY contacts (322 on RTTY). The QSL cards have been printed, and
I am starting to respond to requests (4 feet of mail) in the order received.
To view some photos and the QSL card go to our Florida DXPedition Group
(FDXPG) web site at
http://www.geocities.com/w4wx1/ and look at the Club/Member News section.
For photos and information about the mission go to http://www.nwhcm.org/
I have provided the ARRL DXCC desk with a copy of my license, and I hope
that I have provided many of you with a new country or band/mode. If not, I
am making plans to return at a future date. QSL via K4QD CBA or Bureau.
Best 73,