[RTTY] ARRL.org Vote

George Johnson George Johnson" <w1zt@arrl.net
Thu, 30 May 2002 11:59:49 -0400

Bill et al,
The 756 PRO permits adjustment of the SSB DSP filter bandwidth down to
50 Hz.  However the "center" frequency is fixed at 1500 Hz.  I use this
method for RTTY and select about 500 Hz for contests and 300 Hz when
things get really tight.  It works fine as long as the center frequency
is observed.  I bought the PRO originally thinking that the center
frequency was also adjustable but that is not the case.

For PSK and a wider DSP setting, the pass band tuning from above or
below that center looks like "magic" on offending PSK signals.  The rig
also has a very deep notch which, in manual mode, will put a black hole
where desired in the pass band.  I have used both to see how effective
it would be in a contest or DX pile up.

But it is just not the same as being able to selectively tune to a
station and use a narrow passband at that particular frequency.  That
would be ideal and is needed for effective PSK operation "in the real

Any PRO II users out there able to shift the filter center frequency??

George .. W1ZT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Turner" <w7ti@dslextreme.com>
To: <k2yg@verizon.net>
Cc: <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] ARRL.org Vote
> PSK31 is also attractive because of the "waterfall" display, however I
> think that is one of its greatest drawbacks too, because it
> high power operation.  If receivers were optimized for PSK31 - 50 Hz
> receive bandwidth while in SSB mode - the true potential of the mode
> could be realized.
> I understand some of the latest ICOMs can be set to receive that way,
> but they are about the only ones.  Can anyone confirm this?
> For high power DXing and contesting under crowded conditions, RTTY is
> still the mode of choice.
> Bill, W7TI
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