[RTTY] CQWW RTTY KC2FBK Single Op Low Power

Chris Allermann - KC2FBK chris@bergenscanner.com
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 20:52:09 -0400

      | QSO | QSO PTS | STATES | DX | ZONES |
  10M |  15 |    37   |     3  |  9 |    7  |
  15M |  46 |   116   |     6  | 26 |   13  |
  20M |  96 |   219   |    22  | 33 |   12  |
  40M |  36 |    58   |    17  |  9 |    5  |
Total | 190 |   430   |    48  | 77 |   37  |

      430   Total QSO PTS
     x162   Total Multipliers
   69,984   Total Score

Considering this was my first time working a RTTY contest and I didn't
get to devote a lot of time to the contest I think i did pretty good =
my modest station (FT-847 @ ~90 watts into a G5RV-Jr or 10 Meter =
Hopefully I'll get to play more with the next contest.

73'  Chris - KC2FBK

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