[RTTY] Re: error code 216
Jim Martin
Jim Martin" <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 15:32:30 -0000
Thanks for that info Barney, but alas still no joy here.
I have tried booting into DOS restarting in DOS but still the same =
problem. Unfortunatly I cannot just use the old 486 in the garden shed =
because I want to use MMTTY as the modem. The PK232 that I have here is =
not half as good as MMTTY in my opinion so that is not an option. Will =
keep trying and am really glad that yours is working, that means there =
is hope for the rest of us!
----- Original Message -----=20
From: David Barnes=20
To: MM0BQI@theRSGB.net ; w1to@adelphia.net ; rloranger@sympatico.ca ; =
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: error code 216
Hi there all
After exhaustive enquiries regarding the 216 error code which I got =
when attempting to start rtty by wf1b v 5.02, an email in the rtty =
contesting forum from Vern KJ7TH to Jim MM0BQI caught my eye. I played =
with the suggestion, and, IT WORKED! So anyone else out there with the =
problem might like to give this a go!
1.. Start Rtty5.02 (if you get error code 200 try using a slowdown =
program for your computer (Turbo, Moslo, Bremse some are freeware, some =
not) Enter your details but leave the TNC box as "None"=20
2.. Open My Computer, Control panel and select "System", "Unit =
manager" "Comports" and mark the comport that you are using for the =
program (for example Com1) Select "Properties/General" and check the box =
marked "Inactivate"=20
3.. Return to the Rtty setup and change the TNC box to "pk 232"(or =
the TNC you are using)=20
4.. Press control/enter and it should initialise the program without =
an error code.=20
5.. Return to the Comport properties box and reactivate the port, =
making sure that the other box marked "exists in all hardware profiles" =
is also checked.=20
6.. (Actions 4 and 5 may need to be reversed if this doesn't work =
the first time)=20
7.. Then to the contest. Yippee
Thanks to all who contributed=20
73's de Barney 5B4AGE
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