[RTTY] Re: [WriteLog] CQWW RTTY VE multiplier corrections

George Johnson George Johnson" <w1zt@arrl.net
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 22:28:55 -0400

This is from the rules last year and Glenn made a note in the writeup
this year that the only rules change involved Cabrillo logs.  (ie: they
would be highly encouraged).  and high score entrants will be required
to submit electronic logs.  Log submission to cqwwrtty@kkn.net by
November 15, 2002.

From:  http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/rtty.html

IX. Multipliers: One multiplier point for each US state (48) and each
Canadian area (13) on each band. One multiplier point for each DX
country on the ARRL and/or WAE country lists on each band. Note: KL7 and
KH6 are counted as country multipliers only and not as state
multipliers. One multiplier point for each CQ Zone worked on each band.
Maximum of 40 Zones per band.

Canadian areas are VO1, VO2, VE1 (NB, NS, and PEI), VE2, VE3, VE4, VE5,
VE6, VE7, VE8 (NWT), and VY (Yukon).

The VE9 reference is simply missing but would be considered to be VE1 as
you suggested.

George .. W1ZT