[RTTY] Anyone get a virus from me???
Andrew J O'Brien
Sat, 7 Sep 2002 11:58:43 -0400
I am just checking to make sure that I am not sending out viruses/worms?
Like many of you I receive the klez virus via email almost daily. My =
virus protection software catches it an quarantines the file. Last =
night it said I had one infected file and appeared not to quarantine it. =
I immediately ran a full scan and no worms or virus were reported. I =
ran another scan making sure that my protection was updated and it too =
was "clean"
This morning I received this email
The following mail can't be sent to w7ntf@aol.com:
From: obrienaj@netsync.net
To: w7ntf@aol.com
Subject: japanese lass' sexy pictures
The attachment is the original mail=20
The above mentioned "Japanese lass" was the file that triigered the =
issue last night. So, everything at my end looks clean , I have virus =
protection on outgoing mail. I am nervous though about the alleged mail =
to W7NTF. Did anyone else receive this from me>
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