[RTTY] HELP PK232 and TS850

Andrew J O'Brien obrienaj@netsync.net
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:10:51 -0400

Perhaps this will help, not exactly the 850.

>From http://www.upei.ca/~seeler/ts690text.html

The following information is specific to my current setup - connecting the
PK-232MBX ( and my DSP-2232) to the ACC port on the TS690S for AFSK AND FSK

AFSK Operation:


TS690s        PK232MBX Function                 (PIN Number)
ACC2 Pin
 3            Receive Audio/AFSK IN                   (1)
 8            Ground: Audio/PTT Common Return         (4)
 9            PTT                                     (5)
11            Transmit Audio/AFSK OUT                 (2)
12            Cable Shield                            NC


Note 1:

I have NOT yet used the option to mute the microphone on data transmission
and the squelch option is not hooked up ( PK-232MBX PIN 3).

Note 2:

Ground pins 4 and 8 in ACC Port are directly connected inside the radio and
go directly to the rig's ground. PIN 12 on the other hand is connected to
ground via a 0.001 capacitor. Source: TS450/690 service manual.

FSK Operations:

I have these connection in place as well so that I can switch between AFSK
and FSK operation. You need to watch MARK POLARITY when connection to the
FSK jack on the PK-232MBX. If you connect up incorrectly, at least there is
a place in the KENWOOD MENU SYSTEM (menu 38) that allows you to change the
polarity sense of MARK so that you do not need to resolder the connection. I
did find that the MARK POLARITY in my PK-232MBX ( Menu 38 - ON for PK-232
using connection 4) was the REVERSE of that in my DSP-2232 (Menu 38 - OFF
for DSP-2232). Check your setup as it may be different than mine here! The
manual should tell you the polarity of MARK - if you have trouble finding it
let me know and I'll dig the info out for you.


TS690/450 ACC PIN     PK232MBX Function
2                     FSK Keying
4                     FSK GROUND


To Index

----- Original Message -----
From: "FeuNeuLeu" <zepm@bluewin.ch>
To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Cc: "Andre Chevallier (DIA)" <andre.chevallier4@wanadoo.fr>; "Nono"
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: [RTTY] HELP PK232 and TS850

> Hello everybody
> Just subscribed to your list and I need your help.
> W've planned to operate from F8KCF in the CQWW RTTY and we want to use the
> old PK232 FSK been used ages ago... To be able to be in FSK instead of
> modems PK900 and HAL used between  99' and 2001.... Problem, we've lost
> manual and cables... The only equipment left is the PK232 itself :-))
> Any idea how to connect the 232 to 850s in the FSK mode ?  Connectors
> cabling etc....
> Thanks in advance, PM
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