[RTTY] CQ/RJ WW, single op operating times
Ekki Plicht
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 23:46:21 +0000
I am not aware that this has been discussed before. If so, please excuse...
What humanly single operator is able to work full 48hrs of a contest? Now the
challenge is not only software, hardware, antennas and skills, but also
physical fitness.
It's a long while that I can remeber staying awake for 48hrs. 24 is no
problem, but 48?
Isn't it that the change of this rules provokes misuse, i.e. claiming single
op when indeed two or more ops were active?
Are results really comparable now for single ops? Before, every serious player
had the chance to put 30hrs of full effort within the two days, thats
feasible. Now I have to compare my results to some (few?) others who worked
more or less the same hours than I did.
I don't know now how long I will be in the test, lets see how long I can
endure, hi hi.
Just asking myself...
GL and see u in the contest,
Ekki, DF4OR