[RTTY] Re: Re[2]: Thanks for your TrueTTY registration!

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 18:53:17 EDT

Greetings all-

All is finally working fb- running stations in CQWW right now from Wyoming 

If anyone uses the Rigblaster Plus with TrueRTTY software and 756Pro and 
Windows XP,

This is what I did to get the system working:

1. On Computer, set volume and wave control 6/10 of the way up, turn back 
Rigblaster level adjust about 1/5 of a turn -
2. TX in LSB, avoid RTTY digital mode as it turns of the mic and mutes the 
rig blaster!  This held me up for a couple of days but mentioned in manual- 
3. Use Reverse settings in TrueRTTY with LSB
4.  Turn rig's RIT up 0.54KHz...this was the "moment" in making first QSO 
5.  In TrueRTTY, set RX at free buffer
6.  In TrueRTTY, set TX Keyboard
7.  On the Rigblaster, set PTT to com1/with PTT on DTR (rig blaster serial 
port  setting diagramed # 6 on page 10 Rigblaster Plus manual with PTT on DTR 
and TXD on KEY)...this was another 2-3 day hold up- 
8. Set 756Pro mic gain on rig at 9 O'Clock-
9. Avoid Windows ME like the plague-
10. Avoid Laptops without serial ports-

and finally, avoid Windows ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a two week adventure that would now take me 2 minutes to set up- 
really enjoying TrueRTTY-  It was the only one that had common sense settings 
for my taste.  Man, what an adventure this was-  

73  Paul  N0AH

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