Anthony Cioffi n2ki@arrl.net
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 20:44:25 -0400

Hi Gang,

    Well this was my first time back in contesting (of any form) since
last years CQWWRTTY.  I did not participate many hours but I had a blast
during the time I did.  Due to some changes in lifestyle and equipment
setup,  I only did single band.  Most of the time I found band
conditions to be superb from my location.  I could imagine what it would
have been  like with an outdoor antenna.  This time out I used a 20m
dipole strung in my attic crawl space.  Of course the 1000MP had a
stellar performance.  Signal strengths were really good.  Had to fight
off a few frequency robbers but for the most part held my own.  As
usual, WF1B/K6STI was superb! It's great to be back!  Thanks to all whom
I worked.

Tony - N2KI

CQ WW RTTY Contest
Call used: N2KI
Location:  Harriman, NY

Entry Class: Single Op, Single Band

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX  Zones
80         0     0     0     0     0
40         0     0     0     0     0
20       181   458    24    47    15
15         0     0     0     0     0
10         0     0     0     0     0
Total    181   458    24    47    15


Claimed Score: 39388

Software: RTTY by WF1B  v5.02

Power Output: 50

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