Kok Chen chen@mac.com
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 06:29:34 -0700

On Monday, Sep 30, 2002, at 00:52 US/Pacific, Alcolado Antonio wrote:

> Does anyone have QSL information of KH7X?

Try an email to KH6ND to ask.  If I could venture a guess,
Mike was at least one of the ops at the keyboard(s)
of KH7X.

Well, we know for sure it is not KH6VV, KH6GMP nor
AH6OZ :-).

Harder to guess who the op is is this mode.  But I could always
find HP1XVH's narrow shift every time I tune across.  Must have
been around 150 Hz.  Odd part is I think it was pretty consistent on
the different bands.  Did they use the same modem for all bands?

Beautiful conditions this past weekend.  Not only could I hear
Eu, most of them even printed me without asking for a repeat :-).

An odd phenomenon for my QTH is that when the band is so full
of Eu signals, the usually big guns from there disappears into
the crowd.  Doing my S&P, I didn't find some of them until the
bands started to die, when they were the only signals left.

Then there was ON4UN, who was simply pounding into the Pacific
northwest on all three high bands.  What an exceptional signal.  I
wonder why John did not use OT2T for this contest.

Chen, W7AY