Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 faunt at panix.com
Sun Dec 7 13:42:07 EST 2003

What about asking to change multipliers from states to sections, and
otherwise leaving RU alone?  It's a small change, would add to the
interest, but wouldn't break anything.

73, doug

   From: Bill Turner <wrt at dslextreme.com>
   Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 10:33:18 -0800

   On Sun, 07 Dec 2003 11:37:32 -0600, Marty Tippin <martyt at pobox.com>

   >I thought the RTTY Roundup *was* the RTTY version of the Sweepstakes. Seems 
   >unlikely to me that the ARRL is going to support two major RTTY contests, 
   >especially if one of them is a "domestic only" contest like Sweepstakes.


   One of the challenges of SS is getting a "clean sweep" and the victory
   mug which follows.  I would LOVE that challenge on RTTY and I'm sure
   someone would love the challenge of putting a rare section on the air,
   just as happens with SSB/CW.  Write your ARRL Director.

   Bill, W6WRT

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